Captivate my mind and soul
Love me so much that I forget
The pain and sorrow
The fears and regret
Love me so much
That the pain they inflicted
Is finally gone
And to only you I'm addicted
Love me so much
That you faint the memory
Of those who were users
Though I've no one to blame but me
Love me so much
That those who smile to my face
But secretly hate me
Be removed from my space
You've already taken me so far
And for that you have my eternal gratitude
Now I must rebuke those ghosts
So I can gift you only a deserved, loving attitude
Love me so much that I forget
The pain and sorrow
The fears and regret
Love me so much
That the pain they inflicted
Is finally gone
And to only you I'm addicted
Love me so much
That you faint the memory
Of those who were users
Though I've no one to blame but me
Love me so much
That those who smile to my face
But secretly hate me
Be removed from my space
You've already taken me so far
And for that you have my eternal gratitude
Now I must rebuke those ghosts
So I can gift you only a deserved, loving attitude