Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sweet Bumble Bee

I keep on writing you poems
But I feel like it's not enough
I want to give you all of me
Not being able to is kinda rough

The other day I back slided
But you didn't even leave
With your unconditional love
To you, I will always cleave

Things go so much better
When I do the things you say
You're the one I look up to
In every single way

You are my sweet bumble bee
Full of love and honey
You are the sweetest treat of all
I am so lucky to be me!


Beautiful Brown Woman said...

Such beautiful words. I think I have a sweet bumble bee of my own. Honey so sweet, but I have to get stung to collect it. It's worth it.

Nomy Jackson said...

I don't think your bumble bee has a stinger!:)