Friday, July 15, 2011

Dear Soulmate

My sweet loving angel,

     It started off as one seed then split into two. Like fraternal twins. They sprouted in two different directions and eventually separated. One was the tree of the right path, one was the wrong.

     We started off on the right path. I followed you, as I am your shadow a few feet behind. I am you but in a different form. We are one in the same but in a different package. I am your female counterpart. You are the main event. I am your shadow, backbone and rib. Your phantom, so to speak. Silent remnants of you to a much lesser degree. You, "lite".

     We both knew the right way to go. We were on that path for a while until somewhere along the way, we thought the other path had a greener pasture. We stopped being who we really were. Tried to become who we weren't. We became a lie. We turned our back on the beauty and individuality God gifted us. We wanted to create a facade and be something other than we were. We weren't being the truth and we went to the wrong tree. The wrong tree seemed to hold more happiness. We were wrong.

     The wrong tree seemed fun at first. We did things we never did on the right tree.  Everything was coming up roses for some time...or so we thought.

     Little did we know they were all illusions. Little by little, things kept falling apart. Then faster and harder they came.

     The tree we turned to for happiness strangled us. We turned our back on the truth and got choked. We see our mistakes. It choked you out.

     I begged you to make your way to the good tree and wait for me.  While you're there, please build a path for me to follow you there and join you where we both belong.

     Don't worry. I'm your silent shadow. I shall tear down the entangling vines and burn down the tree so it will never exist for you again and you will remain in peace, happiness, and truth.  You are back in the good tree. You deserve it.

     Let me finish cleaning up our mess and getting right for the both of us.  Then you come get me and we'll take the stroll down the path, hand in hand, to the good tree-where we always belonged.

                                                                                                                     Me-the rest of you
                                                                                                                     Your silent shadow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, really.