Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rabid Fans

Your rabid fans scare me. 
They act like you are a 'god'
That you could do no wrong 
That unlike the rest of us,you had no sin
That everything was always someone else's fault 
Don't they realize that makes you look weak?
That it makes you an idol you never agreed to be and that it takes away your humaness?
They are part of the problem. 
Not me. I love you for the real, perfectly flawed soul that I see. Human just like me.
You've done good and loving things for people.  Just like the single mom of 6 who works  2 jobs for her kids.  Like the  neighborhood  man who started a grassroots program to feed and house the  poor. Like  the doctors and nurses who risk life and limb to help people  in  war torn countries. They are just as good as you, but not put on a pedestal. 
Can't they see the pedestal is a lonely place to be?  An unnatural  place to be?  Even now they want to keep you there..But you are not there. I know where you are are and how you are.  They need to put it to rest and do their own good in the world. 
If only they knew what  I do..but it's not for them to know. 

Love knows no boundaries... 

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