Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Love Is Waiting For You

Love is waiting
For everyone
That means all
Bar none

That includes those
Who've treated me real bad
Who've said and done mean things
Those that mad me sad

Those who turned people against me
Those who talked behind my back
Those that treated me cruel
Those that given me lots of flack

Whether you believe it or not
My love for you is there
I may not go around you
But I'll lift you up in prayer

If you told me you were drowning
 I surely would lend a hand
Because I know hurt people hurt
That's what I understand

Of course I love those
Who've been so kind to me
You're the ones I look up to
The ones I'm inspired to be

No matter how you do me
My love is waiting for you
I guess it's the spirit of God in me
I guess that's just how I do


Sherry said...

I love reading all your poems. They hit the heart!

Nomy Jackson said...

You are so sweet!