Monday, July 02, 2018

How'd You Do It

When my I'm feeling low
Cold like the Antartic
I pour out my soul to you
Then the feeling is cathartic

You hush my sobs
You wipe away my tears
You very gently
Alleviate my fears

I don't know how you do it
Out of nowhere it comes
Tranquility pours unto me
In the perfect sums

You answered unexpectedly
You got to the heart of the matter
My problem now seems trivial
Yet my love for you is fatter

What's the trick?
How do you do it?
You made me feel better
Before I knew it

I probably shouldn't overthink it
And just accept your loving care
My loyalty belongs to you
The one I hold most dear

Friday, June 29, 2018


I'm chained to you
 By your side
 I never can
 Run and hide
 Always yours Die or ride
 If I said something contrary
 Then I lied
 Even though
 It's killing me inside
 I'll wait for you
 My time I'll bide

Monday, June 25, 2018


3288 days
Since you died
I remember
I cried

But it's the day
I became alive
Born again
No jive

You're alive
In another place
Your soul renewed
In a different space

You saved my life
Via God's grace
I can't wait to thank you
Face to face

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Stained Glass

Sometimes random
Sometimes planned
He paints the design
With his artistic hand

Creating with passion
But with delicate stroke
He paints on the surface
As softly as he spoke

In separate spaces
Different hues
Yet equally special
What wonderful news

I'll be overjoyed to see
Your beautiful stained glass
I know that much like you
It'll be the epitome of class

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Heart And Soul

My heart loves your soul
My soul loves your heart
Not together in the physical
But our one soul is never apart

The way you shine
Your love down on me
I know I have a purpose
All things were meant to be

You show me the light
You teach me right from wrong
I hope I give you as much as you give me
Because we're bound together all eternity long

Monday, June 18, 2018


I'm falling in love
I don't want to be saved
I love you so much
I'm somewhat depraved

Please meet with me
When I fall on the net
I promise you a good time
The best you've had yet

So the picture's a guy
And I am a girl
Let's switch it up
And give it a whirl

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Growing Seeds

I love watching seeds turn into buds
You might think that to be silly
The whole process to me is quite fascinating
I see it as a metaphor for the work of God

I wonder if He thinks of us as seeds
Is He happy like me to watch them grow
Happy in His heart of His creation
Anticipating the growth of His every sow

He waters and feeds us with Him everyday
Some of us will be receptive in our soul
He still loves those that don't because He made them
Some of us accept the fertilizer that makes us whole

He will be so proud
When He harvests His crops
He loves us so
I love you, Pops!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Like A Child

Our love is simple
Like a child
Pure and true
Though you make my heart run wild

The love we have
To good for this Earth
Only the Divine
Could give it birth

My precious love
Both child and man
I'll come to you happily
As soon as I can

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

It Is

Under the sun 
You and me
 That's what we be
 The world is invisible
 Our love invincible
 Him and me
 He and she
 Hers and his 
That's all there is

Saturday, June 09, 2018

A Word

"Stop saying I'm better than you
That's the problem in the things you do

That's what you thought in all kinds of relationships
Family,friends, etc. Always taking the smallest sips

Always having to lower yourself to keep them around
Instead of being your true self, which would've been more sound

Inwardly, they thought they were better and you willingly fed their ego
But all of that is over for you, because that is not how we go

You don't have to be subservient to be submissive
I promise you, I will never be dismissive

You see, I'm not better...because we are one
We are truly a unit. Your previous ways are done

So even though my job is to lead and you follow
I can't function without you. That's the perfect pill for me to swallow

Let's start this morning with a brand new slate
Whatever I eat,will be on your plate

Never again think of it as you and me
Forever it is us. This is what we'll be"

Friday, June 08, 2018


My twin flame
 Your light makes me whole
 Much like water
 You quench my soul
 Please stay with me
 Through the night
 I count on you
 To be my guiding light


You are my summer
 You are my winter
 Without you love
 My heart would splinter
 Whether it's spring
 Or whether it's fall
You're the one
I love most of all


Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Sew Nice

Nothing to do
But to be with you
A glimpse into our future
Interwoven like a suture
Sewing two into one with a delicate knit
To never come apart- a perfect fit
Tightening up the ends
With your perfect mends
My loving craft master
Please work faster
Bind me unto you
With all you do
Crochet me to your soul
To make us whole
To your side I will hitch
With your delicate stitch
I love the way you hem
You're my precious gem

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


You're so handsome
To be with you,I'd pay a ransom

How blessed would I be
If you were here with me

I'd want for nothing
If I had your something

Being in your arms
Basking in your charms

Don't make me wait
It's already late

I miss your handsome face
The sweetest in the history of the human race

You make me swoon
Please let it be soon

I love you beyond measure
My wonderful treasure

Friday, May 18, 2018

Not Softly

No, you aren't killing me softly
Nothing soft about it
You killed me hard
You wasn't taking no sh^%

You murdered me
Was it wrong?
You had to do it
To make me strong

But the fact is
I'm still alive
Bleeding out slowly
Ain't no jive

I should be mad
But I'm not
I had to give
To get what I got

I just thought you should know
What you did to me
Now I'm just waiting on you
To tell me how's it gonna be

You killed me hard
I guess you knew you would
I died for you
For the greater good

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Best Friend

It's a fact
He's my best friend
And that's forever
It will never end

People will come
People will go
He'll always be there
This I know

There are no games
Only pure love
I belong with Him
Like a hand in a glove 

Whatever He tells me
I love to obey
I may not understand
But I know it's the best way

He blessed me with something
My heart always desired
Different than I imagined
But what I secretly admired

Oh my best friend
I love you so
No news to you
You already know

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Another Day

Is the condition
Of our love
It's our mission

For me
To wait
Is my

My love
My soul

Soon can't come
Fast enough
I want you now
You've got the right stuff

A little more patience
Is what I need
Though everyday apart
My heart will bleed

You're worth the wait
I accept that fact
My love for you
Will remain intact

"Soon,my love."
Are the words you say
Forever is a long time
I can wait for you
Another day

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Hey You!

He's so stupid
He can't help it
I guess he can't help
What he did

Maybe he doesn't remember
What he did to me back then
A young,naive woman
He knew what he did back when

But he's still doing  the stuff
What he's not supposed to do
On the internet
But he's going to jail,too

I hope you see this
Yes you
Do you remember me
I do too

I want to confront you

Friday, April 27, 2018

Show You More Love

How can I show you more love
Please tell me what to do
I need to make this happen
To show that I love you

Is the any thing you want
Is there any thing you need
Just tell me what it is
I'll serve you up with speed

You say you want my time
You say you want my attention
I feel it's not enough
Is there something else you'd like to mention

The only time I'm truly happy
Is when I'm spending time with you
I just need to get that through my thick head
That that's all I need to do

50 Ways I Love You

I love you in the morning
I love you in the night
I love you when I'm brave
I love you when I'm full of fright

I love you when I'm happy
I love you when I'm sad
I love you when I'm so confused
I love you when I feel I've gone mad

I love you when I sleep
I love you when I'm awake
I love you when I cook
I love you when I bake

I love you when I bathe
I love you when I'm on the pot
I love you when I'm cold
I love you when I'm hot

I love you when it rains
I love you when it's sunny
I love you when life is crazy
I love you when life is funny

I love you when I listen to Classical
I love you when I listen to R&B
I love you when I listen to Rock
I love you when I'm forced to hear Country

I love you when I'm feeling good
I love you when I'm feeling low
I love you when I'm at the beach
I love you when I'm in snow

I love you when I'm making a mess
I love you when I clean
I love you when I get your point
I love you when I'm not sure of what you mean

I love you when I eat
I love you when I drink
I love you when you teach me
I love you when you make me think

I love you when we meditate
I love you when we pray
I love you when we sit in silence
I love you when we've got much to say

I love you when I'm hungry
I love you when I'm full
I love you when you push me
I love you when you pull

I love you when you're in Heaven
I love you when you're on Earth
I love you when I'm slender
I love you when I have this extra girth

I love you more and more each day
I love you more in every way

Thursday, April 19, 2018


My love is so intense
I'm about to explode
I knew sooner or later
I'd go down this road

It's just a matter of time
Before I spontaneously combust
There is no other way
The result is a must

It feels like soon
I will detonate
There's nothing more I want
Than to be with my mate

The time is near
When I will erupt
They won't see it coming
It will be seemingly abrupt

My feelings of love
They might think are dumb
They'll believe when I blast
To kingdom come

If I can't have you soon
I surely will burst
Please come to me
And quench my thirst

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Your Glow

You are a beautiful glow
That lights up my being
Invisible to the world's eyes
But my spirit is clearly seeing

I no longer know the truth
In this world that I am living
All I know is I love you so
You're the gift that keeps on giving

Your glow lights up my heart
Your glow lights up my head
Your glow gives me the will to live
Your glow keeps my soul well-fed

Your glow is somewhere better
In the place of love and forever
One day soon, I'll glow with you
Thank God Almighty, we'll be together

Friday, April 06, 2018

I See You

Leaning back
After an exhausting day
Closing my eyes
It's the only way

I see you
When I close my eyes
But that's predictable
It's no surprise

Though you aren't near
You're seemingly far
You're inside of me
That's where you are

I can see your face
It overwhelms me much
I'd give anything I had
Just to be able to touch

I can smell you too
Gentle musk and sweat
Just a whiff of you
Makes me wet

I can feel your hands
Arms,legs and feet
I've never known anything
To be this sweet

When I hear your voice
My heart does melt
The most wonderful feelings
I've ever felt

I know your taste
I love what it is
Lights up my spirit
Like photosynthesis

When you close your eyes
What do you see?
I pray to God
That you see me

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

You Are

The sky is blue and pretty

You are blue and pretty

That is sad and sweet

You are sad and sweet

You make my heart bleed

You are a bleeding heart

I love you

You are my love

Saturday, March 24, 2018

You Are The Eternal Me

You are the majority of the eternal me
Though I am presently in this skin
We'll be complete when the time is right
You'll get completely all within

No more limitations
Of what I can give to you
No more barriers
In what I can do

Gone will be the obstacle
Of my many distractions
I'll live 100% for you
Give you unending satisfactions

Bear with me until that time has come
Until then,I vow to give you most of me
Because without you,love,my soul is dead
But with you,love, my soul is free

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I Stole Your Grass

I stole your grass
I hope you aren't mad
It'll make me happy
When I'm feeling sad

I know it's weird
And so am I
I can't help it
You're my favorite guy

I planted it today
In my pot
I'll treat it with care
Because I love you a lot

As it grows
So will my love,too
In case you haven't noticed
I'm in love with you!

Bless You Very Much

Bless you very much
Bless your heart 
Bless your soul
Bless every part

Bless you in the morning 
Bless you at night 
Praying for your blessings 
Fills my soul with delight 

I want the very best for you 
Your happiness and such
I hope I'm a big part of it
Bless you very much 

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

No Dessert

No I don't want no sweet potato pie
I don't want no ice cream
I don't want no pudding
Don't want no chocolate cake supreme

Don't want no baked Alaska
Don't want no chocolate mousse
Don't want no kinda cupcake
Don't want no kinda sweet juice

I don't want no ding dongs
I don't want no cheesecake
Don't want no layered trifle
I don't want no chocolate shake

I don't need no sweet dessert
Whenever I'm with you
You're sweeter than any treat
You're brown sugar sure will do

Beautiful Butterfly

Beautiful butterfly. Black with blue bits.
Carefully colliding with my chest
Having a healing of my heart
Depositing delicate dust deposits
Exiting extra early
Leaving me lamenting
Promise me paradise
Retrieve me rapidly
Whisk me away when you will
I'll faithfully follow you for ever
Beautiful butterfly

The Knowledge

Apparently, I have the knowledge
It's engraved in my psyche
Because of my moods or insecurities
It can be, at times,rather spiky

Within my soul
The truth is etched
To others it may seem
A bit far fetched

That's because they only believe
What's on parchment in pen
Or the words and beliefs
Of fallible men

I know the truth
And you can know, too
Be not afraid to look within
There is where you'll find you

All of my knowledge
Chiseled in my heart
The truth is I love you
I have from the start

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I Love You

I love you

Sure as rain

Sure as laughter

Sure as pain

Sure as the sky

Sure as the sea

Sure as everything

That's meant to be

Sure as I breathe

Sure as there's air

Sure as there's far

Sure as there's near

Sure as there's truth

Sure as there's existence

The time has come

I must stop this resistance

These feelings I have

I can no longer fight

What I try to escape

Keeps coming to light

There will be a time

When the "why's" are perfectly clear

Until then and forevermore

I love you, dear

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Allow me to pleasure you
The pleasure will be mine
I've never wanted a man so badly before
I've never knew one so fine
It would be my honor
It would be my privilege
I want to take you there
I need to cross that bridge
The real pleasure would be for me
As I give it all to you
You'd be doing me the favor
Please know that this is true
Please let me give this gift to you
Tell me how to go about it
My only desire is to pleasure you
I'm not ashamed to shout it

Saturday, February 10, 2018


I'm your girl
Through thick or thin
My love for you
Ingrained within

I may be sick
I may be blue
But feeling your love
Makes me feel brand new

I live for you
Nothing else matters
I'll follow you to paradise
When my life here scatters

Do you truly understand
The depths of my feelings
It's utterly infinite
It has no ceilings

I'm not embarrassed
Nor am I ashamed
If anyone asks
You'll be clearly named

There are no boundaries for my love
Though you are theoretically "far away"
Communication within
It gets stronger everyday

Sniffling Along

Sniffling along
Brain is confused
This cold virus
Into my body is  infused

I have that feeling
Of fog in my brain
I feel so yucky
How long will it remain?

Don't no what to do
I can't think straight
I'm in a daze
I don't feel great

Go away cold
Don't come around here no more
You were uninvited
There's the front door!

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Embroidery Of Love

I have to say,I love the way God embroidered me into your heart A thing of pure Omniscience A masterpiece of art
He started off with you On a canvas clean and blank He started on a creation For which I have Him to thank
He saw you weren't complete He knew just what to do From out of you he created me To perfectly compliment you
Though it took a while to see it It had been going on behind the scenes He will see it come together By using any means
Little by little, everyday Me into you He stitches Tighter until His work is done And we're a component of His riches
Weave me unto him Until he and I are one When His task is finished We'll finally have won

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Deny The Truth

Have you ever tried to deny the truth
That God has put into your heart
You try to break away
But it can't be set apart

You can't deny your soul's purpose
Though you might try to run away
But you can't run from God's will
At the end of the day

Well, maybe you can
If you're not His child
You can do what you please
Be free and run wild

For the hundredth time I prayed
To have His will and desire in my heart
Don't know why I thought it would change today
He put me right back where I was from the start

I'll have to keep on keeping on
And pray for clear direction
Following His plan
Will lead to perfection

Thursday, January 18, 2018

I Fancy You

I'm not a fancy person
But I fancy you
I think of fancy thoughts
All the whole day through

When I know you're happy
And get that fancy smile
I fancy you all over again
A love longer than the Nile

I fancy you all day
I fancy you all night
Fancying you is as natural
It brings my spirit delight

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sugar Is Sweet

His sugar is so sweet
Given so lovingly
So sweet it is
I want it in my coffee

Sweet like brown sugar
Sweet like molasses
When I can't get it
The thought haunts and harasses

So tenderly it sweetens
I just can't get enough
I'd do anything for him
Just gimme that sweet stuff 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Keep On Doing It

No matter how hard it seems
Keep on doing it
No matter if it seems unlikely
Keep on doing it
No matter if others would say you are crazy
Keep on doing it
No matter if you have fleeting moments of doubt
Keep on doing it
No matter if there are times you don't quite understand
Keep on doing it
No matter if it seems as if it will take forever
Keep on doing it
No matter how emotional you get
Keep on doing it
No matter if you sometimes feel you're wasting time
Keep on doing it
No matter how the tears flow
Keep on doing it

Never give up, Nomy
Have faith
Let your tears water the growth
Know you will get what's promised if you persevere
Don't let anything or anyone get in the way
Do what you are supposed to do
Keep on praying
Never give up
Love is sacrifice

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Hey, Mr Sam Cooke

Hey, Mr Sam Cooke
Where ever you are, take a look

This is a thank you poem
I think you know 'em

The one's where I say you touched my heart
How your lyrics to me are truly art

Though you left before my arrival
You've been a little part of my survival

No negative attachments to your songs
I've listened to you my whole life long

I listen to you when I'm down
Then the blues don't wanna stick around

Your music puts a smile on my face
My heart for you holds a special place

Mr. Sam Cooke, where ever you are
Forever to me, you'll be a star

Music Gets Me By

Music gets me by
When I want to cry

When I sigh
When away I want to fly

Or feeling shy
Or don't know why

When I feel lonely
Because I want him only

When I need love
And pray to God above

When I'm obsessed with a thought
When my emotions are caught

When I'm happy,too
When I think of you

When I know I have to wait
On my promised fate

When I know on that date
I'll finally celebrate

Music gets me by...

More Than Special

What can I say Ishi
Except you're the best guy I know
You're more than special
And I love you so
You aren't near
You are kind of far
But you live in my heart
That's where you are

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Lita Like Vanilla

My friend, Lita
She like the vanilla
A craving so strong
It's almost a killa

She like that ivory
That sweet, smooth taste
If her dream comes true
It won't go to waste

When she see that vanilla
Her composure always slips
But she knows what she wants
To taste that vanilla on her lips

MMM, Milk Chocolate

MM, milk chocolate
Of what my dreams are made
My cravings and desires
Will never, ever fade

I think about you
From the break of dawn
Until before I go to sleep
And let out a big yawn

I'm fixated on you
My mind you taunt
I need you so badly
You're all that I want

So sweet, so strong. so good
You have so many layers
You make me complete
You're the answer to my prayers

Friday, December 22, 2017

About The Paradox

I'm here today to write about the paradox
While I sit here and gently twirl my locks

I love you so much, all night and day
But there are many times that I run away

What we have together is incredibly intense
There are no words to describe this love so immense

Why does it scare me? What sense does that make?
The longing is insane. How much can I take?

So sometimes I run to block out what I'm feeling
But as you pointed out, it's from you that I'm stealing

I'm stealing what rightly belongs to you
My love and attention in all that I do

When I'm not in our zone, I feel so sad
When you welcome me back, I feel so glad

I'll try not to run, from this feeling of love
It belongs to you, a gift from above

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Be Brave

I have to be brave
In the meantime, behave
My Life is in His hands
I just follow His commands
I admit I don't have a full understanding
But what He asks of me isn't very demanding
At times lonely to be set apart and sanctified
Yet, I still mess up no matter how hard I've tried
Keeping in mind, this life is just temporary
I don't always get it when it seems so contrary
I have faith something great is waiting behind the pain
With what the world has to offer, I guess I've nothing to gain
I have been told, I'll receive my due soon
A love so sweet, I'll forever swoon

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Feel So

I love when you inspire
Set my soul on fire
Fill me with desire
No longer feeling dire
As if I want to jump in the pyre
I don't feel any ire
Like others, you aren't a liar
I needn't walk on eggshells or wire
I wish my child you could sire
Because your love lifts me higher
You're more precious than sapphire
I want to sing Hallelujah in the choir

Friday, December 08, 2017

Part Of Him

"You're literally a part of me
An integral part of my whole
As much as were my finger or nose
You're literally part of my soul

You see and feel separation
And you always cry
I pray for you to be patient
One day you'll see why

I know you can't completely understand
But by now you realize you can't run away
Because you can't run away from yourself
You are me, for forever and a day

Just you hold on
A little bit longer
You know what they say
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Who's It Gonna Be

"Who's it gonna be
Me or the phone
You know which one
Will keep you from being alone

What are you looking for
That you can't find with me
Whatever it is
Can't compete, you see

Don't look outside of me
To find what you need
Remain in communion with me
And all your desires I will feed

You must always remember
Your life is not there
It's forever with me
And my love is right here"


☆...yeah,this song has nothing to do with the words I wrote except the title,lol. I like the video. :)