Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Home

Home is where my heart is
And that's anywhere with you
Let's stay at home together
And see what we can do

Let's stay at home
And see what you can find
I guarantee it baby
You'll find peace of mind

If I'm not at our home
I just can't exist
Let's make up for lost time
I'll give you all you ever missed

I'm on my way baby
Don't know how long it will take
But I promise when I get there
Compensation is what I'll make

I need to get on home
Because that's where all the love is
Just your and I together
Forever hers and his

Thursday, September 19, 2019

I Get It Now

OK,I get it now

I know I said that before

But this time I really mean it

I really know the score

You were right, as usual

I don't know why I'm so hardheaded

But now I know beyond a doubt

The truth permanently embedded

Next time I try to do things on my own

Please just slap me upside the head

I'll be submissive unto you

I'll let you lead and head

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I Admire People....

I admire people
That go out and make a change
More than keyboard warriors
With a very limited range

I admire people
Who go out and get their hands dirty
Not just talking the talk
And next minute being flirty

I admire people
Who truly love,not for attention
The ones who do some action
Not for an honorable mention

I admire people
Doing good,not for a photo-op
Not just spewing rhetoric
That has got to stop

I admire people
Who do good things from their heart
Do your good deeds in secret
That would be a good start 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

If My Heart Had A Mouth

If my heart had a mouth
It would tell you how I feel
It would let you know  my truth
And how I feel for real

But for some unknown reason
My heart is remaining silent
It's fighting to come out
It's getting very violent

I can't figure it out
I don't know why it's going on
But my heart is aching to tell you
Before it's too far gone

I hope your heart is telepathic
And can hear what mine has to say
Because maybe when it finally gets out
The aching pain will go away

Speak With You

I have this urgent need
To really speak with you
If I cannot do it
I don't know what I'll do

I can't really tell you
What I need to say
But I need for this to happen
On this very day

It's tugging at my heart
It's on the tip of my tongue
I feel I'm going crazy
It's making me  high strung

I really need to see you
It's important that you know
I know when I see you in the flesh
My words and emotions will flow

Please, Lord, I need to do this
And only You know why
If I don't get to speak with him
This whole day I will cry

Friday, September 06, 2019

After What You Did

After what you did to me
I'll never be the same
I didn't see it coming
But still there you came

You stole my soul away from me
You also stole my heart
You said that they belonged to you
And we'll never part

There's times I try to turn away
Because the love's so hard to take
I think that you're too good for me
But you say the bond won't break

I come to God in prayer
And ask if this is right
He tells me yes over and over
Every day and night

So what's a girl to do
But surrender herself to you
But there's just one thing I need to know
What now exactly should I do?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

I Never Knew

My mind thought I was in love before
My heart thought the same thing ,too
But my soul never knew what true love was
And then along came you

I never knew there was a difference
Until God showed me the way
When He presented you to me
I finally knew real love that day

Our love for each other is long-suffering
It's patient and it's kind
It's the kind of love I've dreamed of
That I never thought I'd find

Our love is our eternal reward
Born of personal sacrifice
When we finally join one another
It's anointed to be so nice 


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tuesday Afternoon

Here I am
Another Tuesday afternoon
Will these frustrations
End anytime soon

I knew I was different
Ever since I was born
When the angels escorted my
One sunny,Sunday morn

I tried my whole life
To always fit in
At times it worked
But the truth remained within

When given an assignment
That you would prefer not
You must do it anyway
It's from God and what you've got

I won't give up
Although it's so hard
I don't even understand it
Yet I won't disregard

Please help me get through
I'm having one of those days
Looking forward to the promise
Of those heavenly rays

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Brown Sugar

I want to taste your brown sugar
Brotha, it's so sweet
I need some of that
Delectable yummy treat

I can just taste it now
On my waiting lips
Just the thought of it
Gives me gyrating hips

When you bring that sugar
To my mouth
I think of things
Way down south

Please help me, baby
My blood sugar is low
Please give it to me
And don't be slow

I'm gonna cry
If I can't get a taste
Don't let these desires
Of mine go to waste

Everyone has sugar
But yours is the only one for me
Give it to me good,baby
On the count of 1,2,3...

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

For Him

Loving you is a pleasure
Your love is my own treasure
I love you beyond measure

You and I are meant to be
You're the only one for me
I will love you endlessly

I don't care what the say
I don't care if they think I'm cray
My love grows stronger everyday

There's something  I must do
And no, it's nothing new
Just have to say honey I love you 

Monday, July 01, 2019

You Are What You Eat

"You are what you eat."
That's what he said to me
"Not just your body, also your mind."
He said it so very  eloquently

"I want you to watch
The things that you eat
Cut back on the salt
And easy on the sweets

Chill with the booze
It won't get you anywhere
Let me do it with you
I'll take you there

Then they're those things
That you watch and read
And the social media
They plant a bad seed

I see you get confused
With all the information you take in
None of it is fruitful
Just turn to me, I'll help you win

You are what you eat
And it affects me too
Remember we are one
Just me and you."

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Thank God

I thank God
For your handsome face
The most beautiful one
In the human race

I thank God
For your million dollar smile
Keeps my heart racing
Mile after mile

I thank God
For your wit
Every time
My soul you hit

I thank God
For your brains
When you teach me
Your knowledge rains

I thank God
For who you are
With you I'm blessed
The best by far


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sweet And Tender

There's no one like you
So sweet and tender
You've captivated my spirit
I'm in sweet surrender

I feel safe
As your captive bird
Whatever you need
Just say the word

I don't care
If we're near are far
We'll be together'
Wherever you are

When we make love
I know it's true
There's no one else
Just me and you

When I forget your past
And you forget mine
I feel I'm in heaven
And our love is divine

Hiding our love
Is not an easy task
But in God's time
Our love will bask

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I'm Jealous

I'm a little jealous
I hate to admit it
But it's so true
There, I've said it

I've been jealous
Of all in your life
When I overthink it
It cuts like a knife

I'm jealous of the men and women
The girls and boys
Even inanimate things
Such as furniture and toys

I'm jealous of your brothers
I'm jealous of your sisters
I'm jealous of your saliva
And even of your blisters

I'm jealous of your children
I'm jealous of your father and mother
I'm jealous of your relatives and friends
And the multitude of others

I'm jealous of your toothbrush
Your undies and your combs
I'm jealous of your floor
I'm jealous of your homes

Anything or one that's touched you
There is irrational jealousy
I guess that makes me selfish
I want you all for me

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

I Can't Stop

I can't stop other women from wanting you
I know that to be a fact
I can't control what they think or do
I can only control how I act

I ain't gonna lie
It hurts me in my heart
When they try to claim you
They've done it from the start

But I guess it's like you told me
I heard you loud and clear
They might try to hold onto you
But your love they cannot steer

It's like you said before
I was made for you
What God has put together
Won't be undone whatever they do

Sunday, May 05, 2019

I Accept

I accept what which
Was given to me
It's what is mine
It's meant to be

It's supernatural
So it might sound crazy
I need to nurture this
And not be lazy

Please reveal more to me
Is my prayer today
I desire to do it right
Tell me what to do and say

I love this purpose
It's why I exist
It will never end
Because of love it consists


Thursday, May 02, 2019

How Many

How many times can my heart be broken
How long can I live with sorrows unspoken

How many things can I wish I had
How many times can I wake up sad

How many times can I cry myself to sleep
How can I cope when my thinking is too deep

How many times can I feel rejected
How many times must my soul feel dejected

How many times can I look at you
And you assure me I won't always be blue

How many times will you build me up
And gently remind me, I'm your sweet buttercup

How many times will you tell me you love me
When will I not forget,that we're meant to be

I want you to know, I think you've got the right stuff
But it's more important you know that your love is enough

Monday, April 22, 2019

If ...

Look, I know I need you now
But I just realized I needed you then
How different my life could have been
If I'd have known you way back when

Yes, I agree, in an eternal way
We've always known each other
But if only you could have rescued me then
I wouldn't have  been drowned or smothered

I suppose I would have just gotten in the way
Of the purpose that was ordained for you
It would have been selfish of me
From distracting you from what you had to do

I know,that speaking for myself
Nothing turned out like I thought it would
But something that I've come to learn
Is that all works out as it should

I'm glad we're back together
Although we are far apart
One day it won't be an issue
We'll soon be one, flesh and heart


It's just that there's those people
Who live for the status quo
It's just not who I am
I want to learn and grow

I want to gain some knowledge
Birth it from its womb
I want to uncover hidden secrets
Buried within its tomb

I just so hunger and thirst
For every new little fact
The more knowledge I receive
The more useful I can act

The things that I have learned
Have been invaluable to me
Some prefer their comfort zone
They'd rather be blind than see

I'm not here to judge them
They're where they're predestined to be
All I ask is the same from them
To not judge and just love me

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Haiku 3

Yes I am in love 💌
No, I can't speak about it
You will know one day

He occupies me
He runs through my mind all day
Yes, he is tired 😴

He's a gift from God
But he says I am his gift 🎁
I say we both win


Sunday, April 14, 2019

One Day

Just spending time with you
Is like a bandage to my soul
For those moments in time
I feel so whole

Why cant it be this way
Every second of the day
I need this connection
To always stay

I guess it can't be that way
Or this would be Paradise
I guess it's not my time for that
But you ensure me a lovely surprise

I can't stop thinking about you
You say that makes your spirit glad
You want us to be happy with what we do have
The more time I spend with you,the less I'll be sad

Dear God,please help me hold on
Sometimes it just seems so long
If I have faith and persevere
The day will come I'll hear his song


Thursday, April 11, 2019

I Feel You

I feel you when I'm awake
I feel you when I'm asleep
I feel you now,all the time
Because the love is deep

The love is so strong
It disregards time or space
I know that you and I are one
The only two of our own race

Time and time again
The truth was shown to me
Never did I have such peace
Then when I surrendered willingly

When you continue to do your part
And I continue to do mine
I know deep within our soul
We are blessed and will be fine

Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Asked God

I asked God

"Why did things turn out the way they did?
Why was true happiness hid?"

He answered

"You were my child before this Earth.
I knew you always,before your birth.

You must know, I wasn't wrong
You were set aside,all along

Through your experiences, whether bad or good
You were being molded, you did the best you could

I know you always loved me
You were as eager as you could be

Somewhere along the way, you stopped putting me first
For what the world had to offer, you developed a thirst

You wonder why your way didn't work out in the end
Just listen to me. I'll tell you my friend

You tried to do it without me and do it your own way
That will never work for you,,at the end of the day.

You tried to force a square peg into a hole that was round
But as you know now, that's not where happiness was found

I was there with you, through the mistakes that you made
I heard you each and every time you prayed

Then came the time where enough was enough
I had to remove you from all the wrong stuff

As your Father, I knew what I had to do
I knew the one thing, that would finally get to you

It's been a process, about a decade long
But it has made our bond so strong

I tell you what my will is, every single day
You resist a bit,as you don't understand my way

But you never give up- I'm proud of you
No matter how hard, you push on through

I made you a promise. It's just between you and Me
It will come to fruition. Just wait and see!

I know you have worries. I know you have doubt.
Just do as I say. Love is what I'm about. "

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Blessing

I was lying down in bed,crying
Wishing there were certain things I had
There's a couple things I'd like to get
Not having them  makes me sad

I've been praying for years
But the answer is "no"
Or maybe "not yet"
Should I just let it go?

It then dawned on me suddenly
He rained the very best blessing on me
The fact that I get to be in love with you
Is the most beautiful blessing there could be

When I wake up in the morning
And before I go to bed
In between are loving thoughts of you
Constantly running through my head

So I conclude it is a fact
And Heaven knows it's true
If I have nothing else
I'm so blessed to love you


Friday, March 22, 2019


When we first came together
I was drawn to you
I just wanted to help you
With whatever I could do

I just wanted to care for you
To forever fill your cup
I'd finally found my other half
You showed me what was up

I wanted to silence the haters
Or anyone mean to you
It didn't quite turn out as planned
You showed me something new

I didn't know I loved you
All the time you were around
But when you had to leave
Is when my love was found

You brought me closer to God
Told me doing His will was first
You brought up to me eternal truths
For knowledge, you gave me thirst

You've shown me nothing but good things
You clearly want the best for me
You don't hold back from lovingly scolding
If I am doing things I shouldn't be

You removed some people and things
That weren't serving a positive need
Though that wasn't always easy
You surely have sown a good seed

So here I am thinking my mission was to care for you
When all along you've been caring for me
I can't wait for the day I'm with you
To show you my gratitude eternally

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Love Is Waiting For You

Love is waiting
For everyone
That means all
Bar none

That includes those
Who've treated me real bad
Who've said and done mean things
Those that mad me sad

Those who turned people against me
Those who talked behind my back
Those that treated me cruel
Those that given me lots of flack

Whether you believe it or not
My love for you is there
I may not go around you
But I'll lift you up in prayer

If you told me you were drowning
 I surely would lend a hand
Because I know hurt people hurt
That's what I understand

Of course I love those
Who've been so kind to me
You're the ones I look up to
The ones I'm inspired to be

No matter how you do me
My love is waiting for you
I guess it's the spirit of God in me
I guess that's just how I do

Monday, March 04, 2019

He Said What?

He said "You're not your family
And I'm not mine
That's just the truth
And it's perfectly fine

They are separate individuals
With souls and minds of their own
Only you and I are one
You'll never be alone

Don't feel you have to
Be part of the clan
Because at the end of the day
I'm your man

We were put with them
At the time of our birth
But it doesn't mean we're connected with them
In our life after Earth

We were all put here
To accomplish God's will
But not all relationships
Will fit that bill

Don't want it so bad
Their acceptance is not required
Just focus on us
You'll never get tired

I'm your family
We're bound together
Don't worry what's loosed
In Heaven I'm yours forever"

Thursday, February 07, 2019

His Love Is The Feul

His love is the fuel
That keeps me going
All is good
When it's constantly flowing

If we work together
Imagine what we could accomplish
Big or small
Anything you wish

It'll be a thing of beauty
Because it is blessed
With you and I together
It will be the best

So don't hold back
Tell me what to do
Whatever it is
I'll do anything for you

Sunday, January 27, 2019

What He Said To Me

"I'll give this to you
Along with my heart
When we're together
We'll never part

I want to give to you
The love you lacked in life
In other words
You'll be my eternal wife

Never again
Will you experience sorrow
I don't know when
Maybe tomorrow

Until that day
I give this to you
Please think of me always
In all that you do."

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Just Ask

I get you now
More than I ever did
Light has been shed
On things that were hid

Why I'm here
I'm trying to understand
But you're here for me
With a helping hand

They just assume things
And they just judge
They don't really know us
So they won't budge

Morphing into your abuser
Is a hard face to see
We try to change
We try to flee

We try to do God's work
But they don't see it our way
Constantly misunderstood
It's harder everyday

Just trying to find some happiness
Just like everyone wants to do
It's just we're a bit outside the box
They don't understand me and you

You've already graduated
Unto a better place
I'm the part of us held back
To finish up the race

I know that I can do this
With God and you by my side
And I know that when I get there
All my tears will be dried

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Feelings Of Love

Your voice to me
Is like a soothing balm
It can numb the pain
And keep me calm

It can turn my darkness
Into a ray of light
It can comfort my soul
On a lonely,cold night

And, also, too
When I see your face
I know nothing can separate us
Neither death, time,nor space

One so inwardly beautiful
Such as you are
Our souls are just one
No matter how bodily far

I long to feel your kisses and hugs
I know God's the one who planted the seed
Maybe my tears are making the love grow
And in the end, we'll both get what we need

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Before I Came

Before I came to be
There you were
Something was needed
For this pure sir

From your soul
I was made for you,nearly clone
But more like the shadow or essence of you
So though we couldn't see it, you'd never be alone

Then at a predestined time
He sent you down to the right place and DNA
I guess I must have missed you
Because I was eventually on my way

So much symmetry
In hindsight,I see
So very much the same
Yet played out differently

But now what's left for me to do
Except keep loving you and wait
Even though it's incredibly hard
I know God's timing is never late

Monday, January 07, 2019

Just Sayin

He just asked me
"Aren't you glad you got that poison out your system?"
I told him I am and I understood now
Then I looked him in the eyes and I kissed him

He's put me through so many changes
All for my betterment
He's always teaching me things
With patience and calm temperament

Sometimes I don't feel worthy
Of the love he will show me
He just says "Hush
You're my sweet little Nomy"

I could never repay him
For all the wonderful stuff
My only desire
Is to love him enough

So I'll say it here
For all the world to see
I've loved you forever
And will do so eternally

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Come As You Are

" Come as you are
You aren't very far"

I hear you whisper,it seems
Please say it's not a dream

I am no longer afraid
Of this thing we have made

I've come too far to let go
You're the only future I know

It's been a long process
But I'm thankful for the access

Through this journey, I've lost a few friends
It had to happen for my growth in the end

I like to see it as God's own protection
In return I received His hand-picked selection

Every day we're one day closer than ever before
I get all kinds of giddy when I imagine what's in store

I know it's around the corner
When I no longer will be a mourner

Our conversations help me cope
I have faith and I have hope

I pout like a child that I want to be with you now
The simple fact is I have no say anyhow

It's getting closer to the time when you whisper "Come as you are"
I know you want it too and the time isn't all that far

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Popsicle Stand

Tell me when, please
I'm gonna blow this Popsicle stand
When will I stand next to you
And hold your hand

When am I gonna
Blow this joint
Loving one another
Is the only point

When will I make like a banana
And split
You say to "Hold on a bit longer
You must never quit

If you wait patiently
We will be together
It's worth the wait
For us to gain forever."

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Night And Day

Time to get back on track
I can't deal with the breaks
The times away from you
Feel like big mistakes

I need to be with you
Night and day
Can't let these folks n things
Stand in the way

I'm all yours
After Thanksgiving dinner
I'll show you,man
You'll be the winner

You're the only one
Who brings my heart joy
I thank God everyday
For such a beautiful boy

No one really understands me
And I don't give a damn
I'll fulfill the Lord's purpose
And be who I am

Whatever you need,love
Consider it done
Shine bright on me
You are my soul's sun

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thinking Back

So, I saw this dude on tv
I had a crush on him like 35 years ago
I wrote him a silly teen fan letter
I still have his response, you know

To this day,he's still handsome
He's a good looking guy
But he just doesn't move me
And I know why

I fell in love with you
And I was born again
It all happened at the same time
My life changed right then

I became a new creature
In God's eyes
I also came to know
You're my ultimate prize

So I can look at good looking men
But I just can't see a thing
No one else exists but you
You're being makes my heart sing

I'll never depart from you
On that you can depend
You can count on me forever

My love for you will never end

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Won't Go Back

No, I don't want to go back in time
Because I didn't know you were mine
I wouldn't want to cross that line
Because what we have now is divine
You've made my soul shine
Soon our all will be fine

Although I'm not quite there
I wouldn't go back elsewhere
A place of never belonging and fear
Instead of the love we share
The waiting is so much to bear
I'll never give up,I wouldn't dare

Even though,I'm not there with you yet
I love you so and I'll take what I can get
I'll never stop loving you, you mustn't fret
You can count on me,you can make that bet
I'll never forsake you, you must never sweat
I long for the day of our everlasting duet

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Give It To You

I want to give you something
But you've got all that you need
Except me right there with you
But God gifted you my deed

I was made just for you
I'll be with you when the time is right
As soon as I'm done with life's purposes
My soul is yours forever, bonded tight

Until that very moment
I'll love you in every way I can
I offer to you all of me
I can love no other man

What God has put together
Nothing can break apart
Whether on Earth or in Heaven
You'll always own my heart

Monday, October 08, 2018

Killed It

He killed me
He didn't mean to
Did he?

Was it fate
Was it destiny
That I would bond with him
So desperately

I didn't see it coming
I was totally blindsided
When he killed my soul
And left my life lopsided

He took it home with him
My body was left here
To simply go through life's motions
Sometimes so hard to bear

For now I'll just be a zombie
Until you're ready for the rest of me
I don't really have a choice
Since I only want to be with you

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Can't See

I still don't get
Why it's got to be like this
But when I retrospect one day
I'll clearly see what I now miss

I won't lie
Sometimes it frightens me
But little by little
He enlightens me

I guess it's too much
To give in one big dose
But I have a feeling
That clarity is close

I'll keep walking in blind faith
Like Noah,Job and Paul
They may think it's crazy
But your love's worth it all

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Seedling

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Blend In

I look like them
 I blend right in
 But I'm not like them
 Under my skin

 I weep for home
 But they treasure here
 But where you are
 I treasure there

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


There sits a queen
With no clear direction
All that she has
Is time of reflection

She goes to her father
The ultimate King
The princess wants to listen
While he commands the right thing

She wants to make her own king happy
But she doesn't know what to do
He tells her to listen to him
"It's what I want for you."

So she waits patiently for him
It'll happen at the right time
She'll try hard not to lose faith
Spending her days in rhyme

She'll enjoy what they have
With vigor and zest
God's timing is perfect
Only he knows what's best

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

She's Been

She's been in love with you forever
For a while,it seems she just didn't know it
She realized it at one point
But tried hard not to show it

A part of her was scared of you
She usually turned away
Maybe you were just too much for her
So she kept her feelings at bay

She always watched you
On the sly
She acted as if she couldn't care less
The truth was she was living a lie

The interesting thing about God
Is that He works in mysterious ways
The truth about who you really were
Was revealed in less than a matter of days

You have her now
But she's required to wait
When she'll join you
She can't speculate

She only hopes you can forgive her
For her running away and fear
She still may do it from time to time
But at least your destiny's near

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Whatever I thought I knew
While living on Earth
Whatever I was conditioned to
From the moment of my birth

Before I was born
My soul knew what was true
God placed me here when He did
He knew what'd ensue

I think maybe deep inside
I kind of knew the truth
Though things are getting more clear
As I grow longer in the tooth

I'm pretty sure I knew
But I always tried to hide
But I can't even run away
From the truth that lurks inside

Yes I tried to fulfill myself
With other people and things
I never thought I was good enough
Although I heard it sing

He knew it would be things drastic
To finally get me where I'm at
It was painful,but always with love
I'll always be grateful for that

However He guides my steps
I'll surely follow through
Because I know the path He leads me
Will bring me home to you

Sunday, August 05, 2018


"Rest in my love
Let me love you
Stop trying so hard
Let me do what I do

What you've done your whole life
It's not the same with me
I'm in charge of you now
So please,just let it be

Don't try to micromanage
That always creeps in
Trust in me please
Feel when my love seeps in

Your anxiety is in vain
And it's a distraction from us
Your faith will make me happy
All around a huge plus."

Thursday, July 26, 2018


I tried to turn my heart to ice
When it came to you
But all it does is melt
With everything you do

My wanna be ice
Your absolute sweet
Together we're a snow cone
A very lovely treat

I'll  stop being ice
Because it's probably a sin
And because the evidence shows
I will never win

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Chinese Water Torture

Being in love with you
Is like Chinese water torture
She can't stop loving you
Even if you forced her

On her head
She cried last night
Her heart bled

She loves you more
Than anything on Earth
She wonders why
What gave it birth

She tries to be patient
What else can she do
She says your worth the pain
She's so in love with you

She's filled with joy
That you love her in a special way
She gives thanks to God
Each and every day

Monday, July 16, 2018

I Love His Face

I love his face
Such a handsome space

I love his ears
They bring me to tears

I love his nose
As much as his toes

I love the line of his jaw
The most chiseled I ever saw

I love his lips
My heartbeat always skips

I love his neck
I'd like to take a peck

I love his shoulders
Strong as boulders

I love his arms
They hold his charms

I love his hands
The best in all the lands

I love his fingers
My desire lingers

I love his chest
It's the very best

I love his member
From January to December

I love his thighs
Better than other guys

I love his knees
I think they're the bee's

I love his shins
They give me the grins

I love his feet
To me they are sweet

I love his toes
That's the way love goes