Saturday, January 26, 2013

An Angel Came To Me

An angel came to me last night while I was in a deep sleep. The deepest sleep I'd had in a while.

The angel posed a question to me. I didn't remember the question until hours after I'd awoken. I knew the angel left the question for me to ponder. Whispered it into my ear and let me continue to sleep.

After my coffee,morning prayer, little something to eat and my mind fully awake, I somehow remembered the question while thinking of the one I love.

"My dear Nomy," said the angel, "God knows of all the desires in your heart. He has put them there. If I could offer you 40 more years in the world as you know it but with promised security and health- a beautiful home in the location of your dreams,lovely clothes, a nice car, jewelry, friends,fun and  never wanting for anything as long as you live OR to go to a place where you don't know what to expect other than to be with the one you love forever under the loving safety of your heavenly father's watch. You won't know what your new life will be like. You may or may not have what you know in your current existence to be the best. All you know is you will be with the one you love. Do you have faith that it will be enough for you for eternity? Which would you choose?

Tears filled my eyes. I have what I need. I'd always wanted those extra material trappings in the past. Now I truly understand what my spirit needs to thrive.  Love. If I had to chose, I'd choose to be with the one I love. Even with no expectations or clues of what my new reality will be like other than being forever loved by the one I love in the way he has shown me already and under the safety of God's love and care.

 This, lovely angel, is what I would choose.

I look forward to hearing the angel's response...  

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